Dear Sir/Madam


I wish to comment on the proposals to change recycling procedures in Wales.  Currently, all dry recycling in Caerphilly county is collected together, with a separate collection for food and garden waste.  The proposal is for residents to sort out recycling prior to collection, putting plastic, cans and paper into different boxes. At the moment current procedures mean there are already four separate containers/bins/sacks for recycling, five if you include the internal food caddy.  Expecting residents to seaparate and sort recycling prior to collection would leave to even more bins etc outside properties, creating problems with storage capacities outside homes. 

These proposals may also lead to uncertainty with certain items of recycling and which is the appropriate bin to place it into.  Several years ago, Caerphilly council had "separate" containers for recycling - paper and card in one container, and other recycling items in another container.  Yet it was all placed into the same lorry, thus negating the need to separate it.

The Welsh Government should be looking at measures to encourage and simplify recycling procedures, rather than unnecessarily complicating them.


Yours faithfully


Jan Lewis